Research Assistants

Res. Asst. Dr. Tina BEŞERİ SEVİM


PhD. Ege University, 2010

Research Interests

  • Graph Theory
  • Combinatorics
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • tinabeseri[at]
  • +90 232 750 7767
  • Room: 224
  • Web

Res. Asst. Dr. Sinem BENLİ GÖRAL


PhD. Izmir Institute of Technology, 2022

Research Interests

  • Module and Ring Theory
  • Homological Algebra
  • sinembenli[at]
  • +90 232 750 7767
  • Room: 224
  • Web

Res. Asst. Dr. Zehra ÇAYİÇ


PhD. Izmir Institute of Technology, 2022

Research Interests

  • Mathematical Physics
  • zehracayic[at]
  • +90 232 750 7758
  • Room: 115
  • Web

Res. Asst. Dr. Ezgi GÜRBÜZ


PhD. Izmir Institute of Technology, 2022

Research Interests

  • Commutative Algebra
  • ezgigurbuz[at]
  • +90 232 750 7758
  • Room: 115
  • Web

Res. Asst. Dr. Gazi ÖZDEMİR


PhD. Izmir Institue of Technology, 2022

Research Interests

  • Inverse Problems
  • gaziozdemir[at]
  • +90 232 750 7775
  • Room: 219
  • Web

Res. Asst. Dr. Aylin BOZACI SERDAL


PhD. Izmir Institue of Technology, 2023

Research Interests

  • Applied Mathematics
  • aylinbozaci[at]
  • +90 232 750 7766
  • Room: 116
  • Web

Res. Asst. Dr. Kemal Cem YILMAZ


PhD. Izmir Institue of Technology, 2023

Research Interests

  • Control Theory for Partial Differential Equations
  • Numerical Analysis
  • cemyilmaz[at]
  • +90 232 750 7766
  • Room: 116
  • Web

Res. Asst. Dr. Yağmur Ece UÇAR


Ph.D. Eskişehir Technical University, 2023

Research Interests

  • yagmuraydin[at]
  • +90 232 750 7789
  • Room: 114
  • Web

Res. Asst. Aygül KOÇAK


M.Sc. Izmir Institue of Technology, 2018

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Oktay PASHAEV

Research Interests

  • Quantum Computing
  • Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics
  • aygulkocak[at]
  • +90 232 750 7758
  • Room: 115
  • Web

Res. Asst. Aykut ALKIN


M.Sc. Izmir Institue of Technology, 2018

Advisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet BATAL,
Asst. Prof. Dr. Türker Özsarı (Co-Advisor)

Research Interests

  • Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
  • aykutalkin[at]
  • +90 232 750 7758
  • Room: 115
  • Web

Res. Asst. Betül DENİZ


M.Sc. Anadolu University, 2019

Advisor: Doç. Dr. Orhun KARA

Research Interests

  • Cryptology
  • betuldeniz[at]
  • +90 232 750 7772
  • Room: 220
  • Web

Res. Asst. Can BALIKÇI


M.Sc. Hacettepe University, 2023

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rıza ERTÜRK

Research Interests

  • Topology
  • canbalikci[at]
  • +90 232 750 7776
  • Room: 214
  • Web



M.Sc. Dokuz Eylul University, 2018

Advisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Faruk TEMUR

Research Interests

  • Harmonic Analysis
  • cihansahilliogullari[at]
  • +90 232 750 7775
  • Room: 219
  • Web

Res. Asst. Derya ÖZDEMİR


M.Sc. Izmir Institue of Technology, 2022

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Gamze TANOĞLU

Research Interests

  • Control Theory for Ordinary Differential Equations
  • deryacokgur[at]
  • +90 232 750 7772
  • Room: 220
  • Web

Res. Asst. Elçin ÇELİK


M.Sc. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, 2018

Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz UÇAR

Research Interests

  • Numerical Analysis
  • Modelling
  • elcincelik[at]
  • +90 232 750 7776
  • Room: 214
  • Web

Res. Asst. Eren CANAN


B.Sc. Dokuz Eylul University, 2018

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Başak AY SAYLAM

Research Interests

  • Commutative Algebra
  • erencanan[at]
  • +90 232 750 7755
  • Room: 117
  • Web

Res. Asst. Hamdi KAYASLAN


M.Sc. Ege Üniversitesi, 2021

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Engin BÜYÜKAŞIK

Research Interests

  • Algebraic Topology
  • Knot Theory
  • hamdikayaslan[at]
  • +90 232 750 7789
  • Room: 114
  • Web

Res. Asst. Mehmet KAYMAK


B.Sc. İzmir Institute of Technology, 2021

Advisor: Asst. Prof. D.r Neslihan GÜGÜMCÜ

Research Interests

  • Knot Theory
  • mehmetkaymak[at]
  • +90 232 750 7789
  • Room: 114
  • Web

Res. Asst. Hikmet Burak ÖZCAN


M.Sc. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 2020

Advisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Faruk TEMUR

Research Interests

  • Harmonic Analysis
  • hikmetozcan[at]
  • +90 232 750 7755
  • Room: 117
  • Web

Res. Asst. İdem SUSUZLU


M.Sc. Izmir Institute of Technology, 2017

Advisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet BATAL,
Asst. Prof. Dr. Türker Özsarı (Co-Advisor)

Research Interests

  • Partial Differential Equations
  • idemsusuzlu[at]
  • +90 232 750 7776
  • Room: 214
  • Web

Res. Asst. Mustafa Kemal ALTINBAŞ


M.Sc. Dokuz Eylul University, 2023

Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meltem EVRENESOĞLU ADIYAMAN

Research Interests

  • Numerical Analysis
  • Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations
  • +90 232 750 7776
  • Room: 214
  • Web

Res. Asst. Mustafa Kutay KUTLU


M.Sc. Dokuz Eylul University, 2022

Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haydar GÖRAL

Research Interests

  • Number Theory
  • +90 232 750 7755
  • Room: 117
  • Web

Res. Asst. Özlem DEMİR


M.Sc. Izmir Institue of Technology, 2018

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Engin BÜYÜKAŞIK

Research Interests

  • Module and Ring Theory
  • ozlemirmak[at]
  • +90 232 750 7767
  • Room: 224
  • Web

Res. Asst. Talip Can TERMEN


B.Sc. Ege University, 2021

Advisor: Doç. Dr. Özgür EGE

Research Interests

  • Digital Topology
  • Algebraic Topology
  • cantermen[at]
  • +90 232 750 7789
  • Room: 114
  • Web

Res. Asst. Tuğba YAZAN


M.Sc. Izmir Institute of Technology, 2020

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Oğuz YILMAZ

Research Interests

  • Applied Mathematics
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • tugbayazan[at]
  • +90 232 750 7772
  • Room: 220
  • Web