
IZTECH Mathematics Undergraduate Program provides a four-year of formal education in mathematics. The annual curriculum consists of 14-weeks of Fall and Spring semesters and an optional 6-weeks of Summer School. Students who complete courses of 122 Credits and 240 successfully is awarded with a Bachelor in Science degree in mathematics.

The courses required to be completed, consist of 19 compulsory, 7 technical electives and 4 non-technical elective courses and two Scientific Research Project courses (MATH415-416) offered in the 7th and the 8th semesters of the curriculum. Our curriculum provides a solid mathematical background and also allows students to graduate as specialized in specific fields by taking at least 7 technical elective courses offered in various subjects such as programming, software, cryptology, informatics, finance, statistics and physics. Scientific research projects aim undergraduate students to gain independent study and oral presentation experience under the supervision of a faculty member in the department.

Our department has bilateral agreements with prestigious institutions in Europe in the context of the Erasmus Program. Students can experience international internships and education in our partner institutions for one or two semesters during their undergraduate studies.